Gwernyfed High School

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Youth Intervention Service

Early intervention, help and support for young people and their families

 We worked in partnership with the Youth Intervention Service (YIS) is a referral-based team in the Youth Service, providing early intervention, help and support to young people aged 11-18 and their families in Powys. The work is carried out by professionally trained and experienced youth workers.

The YIS also run a project called Cynnydd, which is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) that gives us the opportunity to offer support and guidance to additional young people in Powys, to reduce the chances of them becoming 'Not in Training or Education' (NEET) when they leave school. This project has specific criteria, and young people are identified for participation through work with each High school.

The support offered by YIS and Cynnydd involve one to one work with young people to address a range of issues including:

  • Self-esteem
  • Self-confidence
  • Understanding feelings, emotions and associated behaviours
  • Support to develop positive coping strategies around e.g. low-level self-harm, anxiety, poor emotional resilience, bereavement, family breakdown, impact of parent/carer mental health or drug/alcohol misuse
  • Social and peer relationships
  • Family relationships
  • Personal safety e.g. exploitation, sexual exploitation, online safety, healthy relationships and risk-taking behaviour
  • Personal and social development (including skills for life, learning and work),
  • Support to build Resilience and decision-making skills which contribute to their wellbeing.

 The Youth Intervention Service also offer parental support and advice through the Take3 parenting support groups which run throughout the year.

Parents, carers and young people seeking support can self-refer via the Team Around the Family (TAF) process. Additionally, TAF referrals are welcome from any worker from another discipline working with a child, young person or family who they consider needing additional support.

To find out further information you can contact the Youth Intervention Services directly on 01874 614069 or email: