Gwernyfed High School

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Supporting Your Child’s Wellbeing

At GHS we are committed to working in partnership with you to ensure your child flourishes and thrives in school. Being a teenager or tween in not always easy and having to deal with the pressures of growing up comes with challenges, many of which may be new to us as adults. As part of their wellbeing curriculum we will cover many topics that we hope will equip them to make sensible and informed choices, and we will support them on a daily basis through their form teacher, teachers and wider pastoral team, so they are cared for and nurtured when in school.

If you have a worry or concern about your child at school or at home, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Initially you may find a chat with your child’s form teacher may alleviate a worry or concerns, or alternatively contact one of the Deputy Head’s of School:


Deputy Head of School (Lower) Mrs. Laura Williams:

Deputy Head of School (Upper) Mr. Martin Tong:


Useful Links:

Young Minds Parent Page

Action for Children - Mental Health

NSPCC - Wellbeing