Inclement Weather
If we are faced with inclement weather this winter, our inclement/school weather procedures are summarised below.
For overnight snow/ice
- We will assess the site as early as possible and decide on opening.
- We will inform families via Class Charts (moving fully to this in January 2024) by 7.15am if possible.
- We will update GHS Facebook page, Powys school closures page and the GHS web site.
- For day 1, work will be uploaded for pupils via Teams, for all pupils to complete please. Pupils may communicate with staff online via email or via Teams during their lesson time for support.
- If you have any worries or wellbeing concerns, please email your Head or Deputy Head of School.
- Where practical we will work throughout the day to clear the site and make the site safe to reopen as soon as possible.
- We will update families as soon as possible through the communication methods listed above.
Potential closure during the school day
If we are faced with potentially hazardous conditions during the school day, we will assess the risk on site for pupils and staff to return home safely. The Head, in consultation with the Chair of Governors, will make this decision to close early if necessary.
- We will inform families via Class Charts (moving fully to this early 2024).
- We will update GHS Facebook page, Powys school closures page and the GHS web site.
- We will refer to our list of pupils who have permission to leave site in these circumstances and arrange for these pupils to leave safely.
- We will contact parents/ families who have not given permission and make individual arrangements for pupils to leave safely.
- Depending on the time of the day we will set work for pupils via Teams if practicable.
- The school site will remain open until all pupils are collected.
- Updates on the safety of the school site will be posted via the GHS Facebook page and the GHS web site.
What happens if the school is closed for more than one full day?
- We will update GHS Facebook page, Powys school closures page and the GHS web site.
- For any closure of more than one full day we will aim to deliver lessons online, via Teams.
- Pupils need to ensure they have their log in details and passwords.
- Please let us know if you do not have access to the internet or a workable/multiple devices a.s.a.p.
- If you have a worries or wellbeing concerns, please email your Head or Deputy Head of School.
Health and Safety
- In the event of snow some pathways will be cleared and salted.
- We will update via Class Charts and Facebook. Parents, pupils, staff and visitors will be made aware that pathways, even where cleared, remain slippery.
- Pupils will also be reminded of this in assembly/form time. In icy conditions staff will clear/salt affected areas of the school site.
- Essential pathways will be maintained as clear as possible throughout the day.
- During adverse weather conditions, the key areas may be out of bounds to pupils during the school day if the Business Manager or Headteacher decides it necessary.