Gwernyfed High School

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Advice for Parents and Carers of New Starters (Year 7)

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are very excited about your child joining Gwernyfed High School in September, and we hope they are too. As we approach the end of term, we wanted to outline a few important reminders for the start of the new term.

We return to school on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 8:35 am. General school information, including times of the school day, can also be found in our school prospectus: Gwernyfed High School - Prospectus.

Pupils should come dressed in their full school uniform on the first day of term. You can find the uniform guidelines here: Gwernyfed High School - School Uniform. They should bring the following items with them please:
• A waterproof school bag
• A refillable water bottle
• A pencil case with school essentials (pens in various colours, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc. No sharpeners, please.)
• A basic scientific calculator
• A reading book

On the first day, pupils should also bring their PE kit. If biometric consent has not been completed and ParentPay has not been transferred, non-free school meals pupils should bring a packed lunch please. Pupils may bring a healthy snack for break time. Please note that we are a NUT-FREE SITE.
All items should be labelled please.

If you are dropping off or picking up your child from school, please read the following information carefully: Transport Movement on Site. We very much appreciate your support with this.

If your child is walking home, please speak to them about safe routes and road sense. It is advisable to walk this route with them prior to the first day of school.

Pupils will be met at the school gate and directed to their form room, where they will be greeted by their form teacher. They will spend the first hour and a half with their form tutor for induction and a range of activities before attending lessons. Year 7 pupils will have a slightly extended break (5 minutes) and lunch (10 minutes) during the first week to acclimatise to the site and new routines. Pupils take part in a Whole School assembly on Tuesday and a smaller Lower School Assembly on Friday. If they have any worries or concerns, their form tutor, Deputy Head of School Miss Williams, Head of School Mrs. Keylock, or our new Wellbeing Assistant Head Mrs. Higgs, who will also be starting in September, will be on hand to help.

We all hope you have a lovely last week in your primary school and a well-deserved summer break.

Very best wishes,
The Lower School Team at Gwernyfed High School