Gwernyfed High School

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GCSEPod provides a library of over 6,500 ‘Pods’, 3-5 minute videos all designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts. GCSEPod makes learning and revision much more manageable: every Pod is mapped to an exam board, and contains all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams for GCSE success – all neatly organised into topics and exam playlists.


Logging into GCSEPod for the first time:


To log into GCSEPod you will need to visit this web site:

and click on the Login button.




Enter your school username (the same username you use to log into school devices, e.g. 24astudent) and the default password, which is gwernyfed.




If you then see a pop-up window asking you to confirm your school,

re-enter gwernyfed as the password and then select

Gwernyfed High School as your school.




If you see a pop-up window saying ‘Profile Incomplete’ 

this can safely be closed.




You will then be asked to enter a new password and confirm it.

Make sure it is a password you can remember.




You should then be logged in to GCSEPod.


To log out, click the Logout button in the top, right-hand corner.


When you next log into GCSEPod you can use your school

username and the password you have just set.