Gwernyfed High School

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The Curriculum In Lower School (7-9)

Pupils follow a broad curriculum delivered across six faculty areas:

  • Mathematics and numeracy
  • Language, literacy and communication (including Welsh and French)
  • Humanities (including religion values and ethics)
  • Well-being
  • Science and technology (STEM)
  • Expressive Arts (inc. ICT)

Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our pupils and offers a relevant and bespoke learning experience, drawing upon the principles of Curriculum for Wales. Our curriculum plans allow pupils to make good progress by developing their skills and knowledge through a range of exciting and innovative learning experiences.



Pupils begin their options process during year 9 in readiness for the start of their ‘upper school’ study. This is an exciting time during their school careers and takes place during the autumn and spring term.

The process includes:

  • Faculty and subject assemblies.
  • Information and resources from Careers Wales

. • Individual meetings with a member of staff to discuss aspirations and opportunities.

  • A ‘straw poll’ to begin option box construction to maximise pupil choice.
  • Pupil and parents information events.
  • Pupils and parents' options pack and support interview to confirm options (if required).
  • Confirmation of options.


The Curriculum In Upper School (10 & 11)

When pupils move to upper schools, they begin to study more specialist subjects in readiness for their formal examinations:

 Core Subjects

  • English Literature
  • English Language
  • Mathematics and Numeracy
  • Welsh (second language)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) *
  • Religious Education (Inc. Equality and Diversity)
  • Physical Education and Well-being (Inc. RSE)
  • Welsh Baccalaureate (Inc. Skills Challenge Certificate)
  • Financial Education and ICT**

* A range of qualifications routes are available, including GCSE Triple and Double Award. NB There is currently a full review of qualification by WJEC

** Enhanced provision throughout the year. Please note that options change year to year, depending on the choices of pupils, other subjects may also be included.



Our pupils have the opportunity to study a range of options and this process is determined by demand within the options process, which begins with the straw poll.

A wide range of subjects (academic and vocational) are offered, including a positive selection from our college partners in NPTC.

These subjects include:

  • Physical Education and Sport
  • Health and Social Care
  • Design and Technology
  • Performing Arts
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Art • Photography
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Business Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Motor Vehicle Studies


Sixth Form At Gwernyfed

We are very proud of our sixth form. Our team of staff work in partnership with our pupils, so that they excel in all aspects of their school life. Pupils go on to excel and attend top universities and work-placed learning routes. Staff know pupils well and ensure they make strong progress to achieve their outstanding potential. Pupils play a vital role in the enhancement of school life, developing their leadership and life skills positively.

Being part of a school sixth form is rewarding, giving pupils the opportunity to develop their academic potential, while widening their personal freedoms in a safe and secure environment. This makes them ready for higher education study and employment.

Sixth form students make firm friendships and take part in many interesting extra-curricular activities including foreign travel, and play an important role in the whole school and wider community. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Powys Consortium and offer a wider range of courses and experiences to enrich the sixth form experience. Home - Chweched Powys Sixth (

Our curriculum across the school ensures that pupils learn about diversity, human rights and the rights of the child, relationships and sexuality education (RSE), Welsh and religion, values and ethics (RVE).